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Acting fast, I moved behind him and struck his head with the handle of my revolver. He collapsed back onto the floor. I held him down with all my strength, using my arms and knees to pin him in place while Holmes blew hard on his whistle, calling for help.
There was the sound of running feet, and three men rushed into the room. Two were policemen in uniform, and the third was a plain-clothed detective. I realized he was the man I had seen earlier standing in the doorway.
"Is that you, Lestrade?" Holmes asked.
"Yes, Mr. Holmes. It's good to see you back in London, sir."
"I thought you could use some help. Three unsolved murders in one year isn't very good, Lestrade."
The two policemen took over holding the prisoner, who had gotten back on his feet.
In the light of their lanterns, I saw the prisoner clearly for the first time. He had a weathered face, like someone who had spent years outdoors. His blue eyes were sharp and strong, but also cold, like a hunter. He ignored everyone except Holmes, staring at him with a mix of hatred and surprise. "You devil," he kept saying. "You clever, clever devil."
"My dear Colonel," Holmes replied, "I don't think we've met since the day you threw rocks at me above the Reichenbach Falls. Gentlemen, let me introduce Colonel Sebastian Moran, formerly of Her Majesty's Indian Army, and the best big game hunter in the East. No one has hunted more tigers than you, right, Colonel?"
The old man glared at Holmes. With his fierce eyes and bristling moustache, he looked a little like a tiger himself.