

2024-12-01    15'33''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~[图片] [图片] Welcome back to Geek Time advanced. How are you doing,Lulu? Hi, Brad. I'm doing fine. Sowe were talking aboutEV and gas powered cars. Do you have any interesting questions? Actually, last time you mentioned,apart from gas powered cars,EV,there's a new thing on the horizon which is hydrogen cars就是氢能源车. I was wondering if we can start the conversation by perhaps going a little bit into that? Okay, yeah. Hydrogen powered cars are something that several car manufacturers such as Toyotaare developing,and BMWIthink is going into a partnership with Toyotaand going to develop even more in the future. But the interesting thing is you can create newer hydrogen powered vehicles, but you can also take older gas and diesel engines and convert them with a few different parts to make them into a car that will run on hydrogen power. You have to change like the gas tank, but the engine itself you just add in a new fuel injector, and basically you can have a hydrogen powered car. That would make things a lot handier. Isn't it? People don't necessarily have to buy new cars in the future. They just convert their car or modify their car. Mhm. Yes, especially for people who are really attached to like a classic car or something like that. They don't have to give up that car, they can keep it, they just have to convert it. I see. So hydrogen,I'massuming when hydrogen is used to power cars, it also doesn't cost or create pollution. That's the whole point, isn't it? There's no carbon dioxide or methane that gas that comes out of the engine. Basically, what happens is now you have the hydrogen and it gets split.It goes into the atmosphere and combines with oxygen and basically just creates water vapors or combined with that. And so it doesn't really have any noxious gases that a gas car would. And the best thing is... How do we refuel it? Basically you just go to a hydrogen station. There's actually a few hydrogen stations in Japan that I'veseen.It's not much different from your typical gas station,the way they storeit's a little bit different. They don't have like a tank in the ground like they do with the gas, but essentially the same idea,you hook up your car,you just basically put the fuel into the car like you would a gas car. The major difference is it does require high pressures or low temperatures restoring the hydrogen. So it's not as easily usable as gas as we have it today. I see.I because I was gonna ask if everything looks so perfect, then why not hydrogen instead ofEV right? But obviously there are certain limitations now. So that cannot be the only reason why we are pushing for electric vehicles. I pretty much I don't know if it's to the same extent, but most of the countries are trying to push EV, right? Yeah, like when you look at EV, most EVs can go several 100 kilometers. There,I think a few of them are getting closer to like 1,000 kilometers on a charge, but the majority of people don't really do more than like a daily 30 kilometer round trip. Right? Yeah, people aren't going that far in their daily work, right? So they don't really need to have a car that can go hundreds of miles. For daily commute, EV is more than enough within cities, but it's just like when you have to drive long distance,EV can be a little bit more difficult.