Hello again and Happy New Year everyone.
So back to New Year's day, I think this is appropriate time for us to revisit the topic of New Year Resolution.今天的节目里我们就再来谈谈 New Year Resolution.
In English New Year Resolution is a plan that you make on the first day of theNew Yearor the beginning of the New Yearthat you wish to keep throughout the year.
基本上就是我们说的年初立的一个flag。我相信大家在年初多多少少都会立这样那样的flag. Did you know that on average, only 8% of people actually keep their new year's resolutions.
So if you didn't manage to keep last year's resolutions. Relax, it's very, very normal.
So each and every January we make all these big plans for the new year ahead, for example, I need to lose weight, going to the gym. And then you join a gym in the beginning of January. Usually people just give up in February.
So why then do we keep going around in circles? Why do we always try to make plans on the new year's day, only to give up these goals, perhaps in the following months.
Are there any ways to help us really live up to our New Year's Resolutions? That's what we're going to talk about today.
First of all, let's take a look at the most popular New Year's Resolutions people make, and then break.
Things include lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking or stop eating certain things, quit drinking, eat healthier, earn more money, read more books. Sound familiar? We've all made and quit at least one of these resolutions in the past.
The thing is I'm all for New Year's resolutions. And I do make them myself. This whole idea of starting anew is very tempting.
They also keep us more focused. The reason why we can't keep them, it's because we're often doing it the wrong way.