【蓝调传奇】I'd Rather Go Blind - Beyoncé

【蓝调传奇】I'd Rather Go Blind - Beyoncé

2017-03-23    03'10''

主播: 电影原声奏鸣曲

326 10

《蓝调传奇》影片讲述波兰裔移民里奥纳德·切斯为出人头地,开始经营一间酒吧。佃农麦肯利·摩根菲尔德在街边他遇到了17岁的天才口琴演奏师小沃尔特,两人一拍即合,开始在切斯的酒吧驻唱并取得巨大成功。切斯在经营切斯工公室期间,广纳音乐人才,推陈出新,造就了一大批对美国乐坛影响深远的歌手…… Ps:感兴趣可以关注微信公众号:加布里乔森 ID:Nichemovie(电影,摄影,艺术) Something told me it was over (yeah yeah) When I saw you and her talking Something deep down in my soul said "cry girl" (cry cry) When I saw you and that girl walking now I would ever I would ever go blind, boy Than to see you walk away from me child, no So you see I love you so much That I don&`&t wanna watching hid, my babe Most of all I just don&`&t I just don&`&t wanna be free, no I was just I was just I was just sitting there begging Of your kiss and your warm embrace When the reflection in the glass That I held to my lips, my babe (yeah yeah) Reveal the tears that was on my face Oh babe babe I&`&d rather I&`&d rather be blind, boy Than to see you walk away See you walk away from me Babe babe babe I&`&d rather be blind