【BBT汇音】Jibber Jabber·Unstoppable

【BBT汇音】Jibber Jabber·Unstoppable

2016-10-08    06'00''

主播: 华工大学城校区广播台

142 6

Tonight Silvia wants to bring an electro-soul mixes for you, Unstoppable by French DJ/producer FKJ. If you are looking for a mellow tune to chill to during these warm summer nights, then FKJ released a smooth track that is full of good vibes. 今晚请你吃一颗触动神经的跳跳糖!FKJ这位全能型制作人在Unstoppable中出色的配器使用为人声做了很好的铺垫。令人愉快的曲调,及富有感染力的唱腔,这首曲子如夏季的尾巴般让人恋恋不舍。