

2016-12-06    04'48''

主播: 懒懒小K特

126 4

When you get caught in the rain with no where to run   当你身处风雨,却发现没有避风之港   When you're distraught and in pain without anyone   当你苦恼意乱,却发现无人可以依偎   When you keep crying outto besaved   Butnobody comes   当你迫切需要温暖,可是发现无人雪中送炭   And you feel so far away   此时仿佛前路漫漫   That you just can't find your way home   你竟迷失了家的方向   Youcan get there alone   你能只身达到梦想的彼岸   It's okay, what you say is   没问题的,只要你勇敢告诉自己   I can make it through the rain   我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨   I canstand uponce again on my own   我能靠自己重新振作   And I know that I'm strong enough to mend   相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强   And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith   每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念   And I live one more day and I make it through the rain   只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸   And if it keepsfalling down, don't you dare give in   哪怕你不断跌倒 ,也绝不要轻言放弃!   You will arrive safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly   你会安然无恙,再次屹立。继续进取,矢志不渝   And you'll find what you need to prevail   你终能乘风破浪,收获自己的梦想   What you say is   只要你鼓起勇气告诉自己   I can make it through the rain   我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨   I can stand up once again on my own   我能靠自己重新振作   And I know that I'm strong enough to mend   相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强   And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith   每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念   And I live one more day and I make it through the rain   只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸   And when the wind blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid   当大雨侵袭,当恐怖的阴云接近你的上空不要畏惧   There's nothing you can't face   没有什么能让你屈膝   And should they tell you you'll never pull through   纵然面临重重打击   Don't hesitate, stand tall and say   不要犹豫,挺起胸膛大声说   I can make it through the rain   我可以穿过这场滂沱大雨   I can stand up once again on my own   我能靠自己重新振作   And I know that I'm strong enough to mend   相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强   And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith   每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念   And I live one more day and I make it through the rain   只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸   Ican make it through the rain   我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨   And stand up once again   也能靠自己重新振作   And I live one more day and night   只要我再坚持一天   I can make it through the rain   我一定能达到阳光彼岸   (Yesyou can)   (你可以的)   You will make it through the rain   你一定能达到阳光彼岸