Big brother Caillou(附原文)

Big brother Caillou(附原文)

2016-02-22    03'02''

主播: Boven

99 6

It all happened back when Caillou was a very little boy --- about two and a half years old. C: Baby sister’s coming, mommy. M: Very soon, Caillou. I’m going to a hospital today. Grandma will look after you. R: A few days later Caillou was very excited because he was going to meet Rosie --- for the very first time. C: Mommy here, Daddy here! F: We’re home! M: All three of us! Say “Hello” to your new sister, Caillou. This is Rosie. R: Caillou wasn’t sure if he liked Rosie. G: Oh, she’s just beautiful. She’s absolutely adorable. M: Isn’t she gorgeous? F: She is my special girl. R: Rosie wasn’t very happy and neither was Caillou. Nobody was paying attention to him. He thought they only cared about Rosie. Caillou was so unhappy. He didn’t even like his doll any more. F: Would you like to rock the baby, Caillou? C: No,… R: Caillou didn’t know if he liked Rosie very much. F: OK, maybe later. R: Caillou’s Daddy was unhappy to see him pinching Rosie. F: Caillou, why did you do that to Rosie? C: I don’t like Rosie. F: Why not? C: Rosie doesn’t play with me. F:But she is only a baby. She is just too little to play with you now. It’s not easy being a big brother, is it? But now you’re a big brother you can protect Rosie since she is so small. Say would you like to help me? I can’t do this by myself. Caillou, would you pass me the diaper, please? F&C: pee~~~you! M: So you’ve been feeling a bit left out of things too, have you, Gilbert? All changed? C: Yes, I helped Daddy. M: Would you like to hold it, Caillou? C: she pees , Mommy. M: Watch your head. What is it, Caillou? C: Rosie smells good.
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