+99. 爵士 摇滚 青春旋律

+99. 爵士 摇滚 青春旋律

2024-09-06    50'47''

主播: 迷失音乐

3162 32

每个摇滚乐迷都有自己的青春旋律,每段过去和正在过去的也都会有爵士版,原生安卓偏执狂收集它们当作存储清理背景乐。而每首经典后面都一堆故事,欲知故事详情请问你的AI上帝,这货提到96年DJ Shadow”Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt“在10年又被用于游戏“细胞分裂:断罪”,有玩家现在还记得那段旋律,问2024年会不会有人在即兴演奏 00:00 01.Jazz Sabbath - Paranoid (Black Sabbath 1970) 07:55 02.Black Sabbath - Paranoid 10:43 03.Jazz Crusaders - Eleanor Rigby (The Beatles 1966) 18:18 04.Brad Mehldau - I Saw Her Standing There (The Beatles 1963) 22:04 05.Brad Mehldau - Paranoid Android (Radiohead 1997) 31:02 06.Yaron Herman Trio - Heart Shaped Box(Nirvana 1993) 35:35 07.Vincent Peirani - River(Bishop Briggs 2016) 40:47 09.Walt Wagner - Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt (DJ Shadow 1996) 44:06 10.DJ Shadow - Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt “Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt”使用的采样: 44:18 George Marsh and Terry McGovern - "George Marsh on Drums: Interviewed by Terry McGovern" (1974; spoken line at 0:12/ and 0:31) 44:53 Frankie Seay and The Soul Riders - "Soul Food" (1969; drums at 0:47) 45:17 Jeremy Storch - "I Feel a New Shadow" (1970; piano and female choir at 1:11) 46:05 Signs of the Zodiac and Mort Garson - "Planetary Motivations (Cancer)" (1969; spoken line at 1:59) 47:13 H.P. Riot - "I Need You" (1973; funky guitar hook at 3:07) 47:49 Lexia - "I Worship You" (1972; music box at 3:43) 48:49 Lexia - "I Worship You" (1972; female vocals at 4:43)
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