Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Fal

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Fal

2021-08-05    03'28''

主播: 吴吉吴吉

333 3

Fallen Angel AKA Broken Arrow Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Faster Than the Speed Of Magic 文案 会员文案 A fallen angel 一只堕落天使 broken arrow 身中断箭 She comforted me and eased my troubled mind 她的宽慰舒缓了我烦杂的心绪 Shine a light out 如同那个他们让我抛诸身后的世界 Into the shadow 的阴暗角落里 of the world they made me leave behind 射入了一道光芒 Leave me in peace I'm on the side of the angel 我已身在天使这端,请给予我安宁 And if I die in a dream 若我在梦中死去 Then let me live my life 请让我为自己而活 But all lies they have told me 但他们编造的所有谎言 make me wanna shiver 让我几欲颤栗 But I'm lost and I'm lonely 我迷失于此 形影相吊 That's not gonna ease my troubled mind 无法舒缓这烦杂的心绪 She rolled in over a misty morning 她在一个雾气迷蒙的清晨翩然而至 Setting sail for where the full winds blow 向劲风起处鼓帆远航 She's a siren and I'm warning 她在引诱而我在警示 You used to say I never told you so 你还说我没这样讲过 Leave me in peace I'm on the side of the angel 我已身在天使这端,请给予我安宁 And if I die in dream 若我在梦中死去 Then let me live my life 请让我为自己而活 But all lies that they have told me 但他们编造的所有谎言 make me wanna shiver 让我几欲颤栗 When I'm lost and I'm lonely 当我迷失于此 形影相吊 That's not gonna ease my troubled mind 实在无法舒缓这烦杂的心绪 Leave me in peace I'm all alone with the angel 这世界唯余我与天使,请给予我安宁 Did I die in a dream or have I lived my life 是我已死于梦中还是过上了自己想要的生活? But all the lies that they have told me 但他们编造的所有谎言 Make me wanna shiver 让我几欲颤栗 When I'm lost and I'm lonely 当我迷失于此 形影相吊 That's not gonna ease my troubled mind 实在无法舒缓这烦杂的心绪 That's not gonna ease my troubled mind 实在无法舒缓这烦杂的心绪 A fallen angel 身中断箭的 with a broken arrow 堕落天使 Comforted me and eased my troubled mind 她的宽慰舒缓了我烦杂的心绪 Shine a light out into the shadows 她的光芒照亮了 Of a world they made me leave behind 那个他们逼我抛诸身后的阴暗世界