vol.偷渡者stowaway-Lang leav

vol.偷渡者stowaway-Lang leav

2017-06-11    02'54''

主播: 莞尔无忧。

234 3

Stowaway 偷渡者                           By Lang Leav   I love the way he looks me. 我喜欢他看我的眼神  Shy and half-cocked as though he is caught off guard, 那样的羞涩和毫无防备,就好像受到惊吓一般   like he is retracing his steps to remember all the ways to make me smile. 就如同现在的他,正摸索着记忆中所有让我快乐的方式   He brings me flowers every Sunday 他每周日都送我鲜花  and tells me stories about mermaids and sirens* with their sharp claws and beguiling lips. 与我讲述美人鱼和女妖是如何利用尖锐的爪和魅惑的唇(来吸引航海者)的故事。 He says I remind him of the sea and attaches me to a metaphor I’ve never heard before, 他说,我总令他想起大海。并以一种我没听说过的方式来比喻我。   when I thought I must have heard them all. 我本以为(对于他的话)我都已了然于心。 I think someone broke his heart once and now he can’(t) bear to be apart from the ocean. 或许某个人曾伤了他的心,以至于到现在他都无法忘却海洋。 He said it’s strange how the smallest things can wreck a ship. 他曾说过,任何一个微小的事物都可能毁掉一艘船。   Like a rock, or a wave, or a hairline crack in the hull. 比如一颗石子,一朵浪花,或是一道在船体上的细痕。   He calls me his little stowaway and he says it sadly, tenderly, as though I can sink him. 他把我比作一个“小小偷渡者”。温柔的话语中夹杂着悲伤,就好像我能将他沉陷。       封面图自莞尔无忧 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~