Bill and Melinda Foundation 比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会
tax break n. 减免税的优惠政策
in check 受到抑制
What make American do charity?
It’s not just Americans. Many countries have amazingly charitable people. But it depends what the focus of that country is.
Some people might say that rich people are only doing it to avoid taxes.
There are some rich people that only give to charities as a tax break but I don’t think that’s all bad. It keeps the greedy in check.
Tell us about Volunteers in America?
For some people, it’s just about doing something good for someone else. For others, like people who join the peace corps, it’s a great way to get life experience. For other people, it’s may go as far as a feeling of responsibility.
The actor Steve Buchimi, very famous in America, volunteered as a fire fighter for 911. (He used to be one before he became an actor) and he wanted no recognition at all. He wouldn’t talk to reporters or take interviews. He just wanted to help.
演员 Steve Buchimi(《大西洋帝国》的男主角),他在美国非常有名。在911事件中,他成了一名消防志愿者(他成为演员之前的职业),他这么做不是为了出名,他也没有准备接受采访或者报道。之所以这么做,只是尽自己的一份力罢了。