abduct vt. 绑架
far be it from me 我绝不敢
hybrid n. 混血儿
infamous adj. 臭名昭著的
weather balloon 气象气球
crash test dummy 试验假人
Are aliens good or bad or what?
Aliens are probably so much higher in intellect, that an alien to a human is a lot like a human to a monkey. We do tests on monkeys and rats the same way an alien might do tests on a human.
Have you heard that story about the alien spaceship that crashed in the desert in New Mexico ?
Well here’s the story: Something crashes in the desert of Roswell New mexico in 1947. People go out and allegedly see a spaceship and 3 alien bodies. Not more than a few hours later, soldiers from the infamous area 51, come and take the bodies and the spaceship away.