英文新闻 | 韩国继续举行大型示威游行抗议朴槿惠

英文新闻 | 韩国继续举行大型示威游行抗议朴槿惠

2016-11-17    03'41''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

840 101

「微信」搜索关注[followmeapp],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: pressure ['preʃər] 压力 demonstrator ['demənstreɪtər] 示威者 protest [‘proʊtest] 抗议 allegation [ˌælə'ɡeɪʃn] 断言 meddle ['medl] 干涉 rally ['ræli] 集会 engulfing [ɪn'ɡʌlf] 席卷 stroller ['stroʊlər] 婴儿车 wheelchair ['wiːltʃer] 轮椅 violence ['vaɪələns] 暴力 previous ['priːviəs] 之前的 militant ['mɪlɪtənt] 激进 clashed [klæʃ] 引起冲突 原文对照: South Korean President Park Geun-hye is facing mounting pressure to step down. 韩国总统朴槿惠正面临越来越多的压力要求其下台。 More than 800,000 demonstrators marched in the capital to protest allegations that she let a friend meddle in state affairs. 超过80万名示威者走上首都街头抗议朴槿惠让朋友干涉国家事务。 Saturday's rally in downtown Seoul was the largest so far in a crisis engulfing Park. 周六首尔市中心的集会是目前为止朴槿惠陷入的最大危机。 Students, and families including young couples pushing strollers and protesters in wheelchairs were among the crowd during the peaceful march, 学生和家庭,包括年轻的夫妇推者婴儿车,以及坐着轮椅的抗议者参加了和平游行 which contrasted with the violence of some previous rallies dominated by militant unions and civic groups that clashed with police. 这与以前一些由激进工会和公民团体主导的与警方发生冲突的暴力集会形成对比。