

2017-01-07    10'17''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: daylight ['delaɪt] n. 日光,黎明 sunset ['sʌnsɛt] n. 日落 midnight ['mɪdnaɪt] n. 午夜 inch [ɪntʃ] n. 英寸 laughter ['læftɚ] n. 笑声 strife [straɪf] 争吵/冲突 celebrate ['sɛlɪbret] v. 庆祝 ———————— 《Seasons of Love》 Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟 Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear 五十二万五千个精彩时刻 Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟 How do you measure, measure a year? 你如何衡量一年的时间? In daylights, in sunsets 以度过的日出日落 In midnights, in cups of coffee 以静谧午夜与香醇咖啡 In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife 以路途的或近或远,以经历的欢笑争执 In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 以五十二万五千六百分钟 How do you measure, a year in the life? 你如何衡量生命中的一年时间? How about love? 以爱衡量如何? How about love? 以爱衡量如何? How about love? 以爱衡量如何? Measure in love 以爱衡量 Seasons of love 这是爱的季节 Seasons of love 这是爱的季节 Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟 Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan 五十二万五千次待规划的旅程 Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes 五十二万五千六百分钟 How do you measure the life of a woman or a man? 你如何衡量人一生的价值? In truths that she learned 以掌握的真理 Or in times that he cried 或以哭泣的次数 In bridges he burned 以挥别的往昔 Or the way that she died 或以离世的方式 It's time now, to sing out 就趁现在放声高歌 Though the story never ends 即使故事仍将继续 Let's celebrate 就让我们颂扬讴歌 Remember a year in the life of friends 用今生的一些挚友缅怀过去的一些岁月 Remember the love(Oh, you got to, you got to remember the love) 铭记此爱(让我们铭记此爱) Remember the love(You know that life is a gift from up above) 铭记此爱(要知道此爱是天赐) Remember the love(Share love, give love, spread love) 铭记此爱(分享爱 给予爱 传递爱) Measure in love(Measure, measure your life in love) 以爱衡量人生价值(以爱衡量) Seasons of love 这是爱的季节 Seasons of love 这是爱的季节