Anything is possible,never give up,ignore the haters and be passionate about everything you do.
Best Actress winner Emma Stone looked stunning in a gold custom Givenchy gown at the 2017 Oscars.
最佳女演员获奖者Emma Stone 穿着纪梵希长裙看上去十分迷人。
Trump calls for "an education bill that funds school choice for disadvantaged youth, including millions of African-American and Latino" kids.
Trump呼吁到“ 要拨一笔教育资金给学校,去帮助那些贫穷的年轻人,包括成千上万的非洲裔和拉丁裔的孩子们。
Someone got me flowers and I was driving, made a turn, and the water spilled on my dick area...Didn't bother me if it made ya laugh nice!