

2017-05-31    05'34''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: selfie n. 自拍照 scout [skaʊt] vt. 侦察 filter ['fɪltər] n. 滤镜 imperfection [ˌɪmpər'fekʃn] n. 不完美;缺点 ———————————————————— Most of girls nowadays would like to take several pictures and pose them on the Moments / Weibo / Twiiter without saying anything. 现在很多女生都喜欢什么都不说,就拍照放到朋友圈/微博/ Twiiter。 It's quite common for people to take selfies in America and upload them to instagram or snapchat. Nowadays people can become instagram famous with selfies so people use it as a way to get scouted. 自拍在美国也是很普遍的,他们会上传到instagram 或者snapchat,人们可以靠自拍在instagram获得关注。 Filters are very popular. They help get rid of different imperfections and they can hide things. They also enhance the photo more. It's like taking photoshop and simplifying so that everyone can use it. 滤镜非常受欢迎。滤镜可以帮助人们隐藏很多的缺陷,把照片变美。就像用简化的 photoshop,每个人都可以使用它。 I rarely take selfies so i don’t often use a selfie stick for pictures on myself. I usually use it when i want my pictures to be bigger so i need to set the camera farther away. But when I do use it for a selfie i think it works quite well on making sure I'm completely included cause i have short arms. 我很少自拍,所以我不常使用自拍杆拍照。但我想要我的照片大一点,需要把相机放远一点的时候我会用自拍杆。但用自拍杆自拍的时候它还是很有用的,因为它可以保证你是完全在照片里的,毕竟我胳膊短。 It's really useful when you have to travel by yourself. Don't always have someone to take all your pictures for you. And you don't always want to give your phone to a stranger to take them for you as well. 在你一个人旅行的时候它还是非常有用的。不需要有人帮你拍照片,你也不想老是把你的手机给个陌生人,让他们帮你拍照。