

2017-06-21    06'45''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- stoked [stoʊk] v. 给(炉子)添燃料;煽动 on cloud nine 狂喜;极乐 giddy ['ɡɪdi] adj. 眼花的;头晕的 ———————————— Stoked is a slang term I recognize. I believe it comes from the act of "stoking a fire" aka, making a fire hotter and bigger.Personally, I don't use this phrase as it's not a common slang term in the uk. stoked是一个美国俚语,这个表达最开始是由stoking a fire,把火生的更大更旺演变过来的。我自己几乎不用,因为在英国这不是一个特别常用的词。 I'm going to Jay Chow's concert this weekend. It'll be great! I'm so stoked! 这个周末我要去看周董的演唱会啦,我好开心呐! This terminology represents feeling high. High is usually associated with drugs, but if something good happens and you are so happy, it can make you feel better than being on drugs. That's where this terminology came from. 这个短语就是用来表示很嗨,在英文当中high这个词经常和嗑(ke)药有关,但是当有些真的很开心的事情发生的时候,可能会比磕(ke)了药还high吧,所以这个短语就是这么来的啦。 I feel like I'm in paradise. 我感觉我好像在天堂。 If I walked into a brewery that was giving away free drinks, I would most definitely say"I feel like I'm in paradise" ! 如果我碰上免费赠送酒水的brewery啤酒厂。那我肯定开心地说I feel like I'm in paradise! Giddy basically means very excitable and happy. There's a common uk slang term that i use is buzzing. And buzzing indicates you are super excited and almost humming with anticipation or enjoyment. giddy 就是表示很激动开心的意思。Buzzing也是一个在英国经常使用的俚语,经常用来形容一个人开心地都开始嗡嗡地哼起了歌来。 I can't wait to see that band tonight, I'm buzzing! 我都等不及要看今晚那个乐队演出了,太激动了! Another is “over the moon”. This is used in every English speaking country and is said when describing your pleasure or relief. An example could be “I'm over the moon, my boss gave me Friday off! I'd already made other plans!” 最后一个叫做over the moon(翻过月亮),其实意思就是很开心很放松的意思。比如说这个例句的意思就是“我超开心的,我们老板放了我周五的假,我已经计划好我的假期啦。!”