

2017-06-23    11'18''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: 《There for you》——Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan I woke up pissed off today 醒来的我盛怒难掩 连读:woke up/pissed off And lately, everyone feels fake 所有人都那样虚伪敷衍 Somewhere, I lost a piece of me 内心深处 像是失魂一般 连读:lost a /piece of Smoking cigarettes on balconies 阳台上静吐着烟圈 But I /can't do this /alone 可我一人难做到这些 Sometimes I just/ need a light 我只是渴求光芒点亮黑夜 弱读:jus(t) 连读:need a If I /call you /on the phone 若我拨通你的电话 Need you /on the other side 希望你就在话筒的另一边 连读:need you So when your tears /roll/ down /your /pillow like a river 每每你泪如雨下 濡湿枕边 连读:like a I'll be there for you 我会在那儿守候着你 I'll be there for you 我会在那儿陪伴着你 When you're /screaming,/ but they/ only hear you whisper 每当你竭力嘶吼 却无人理会 I'll be loud for you 我会替你大声呼喊 But you/ gotta be /there for me /too 我想你也一定会陪伴着我吧 gotta= got to 必须 gonna = going to 将要