

2017-06-23    08'10''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- No, I didn’t cry, I was just surprised I guess. But unfortunately people who have lived such a high pressure not to mention surreal life as MJ often leave this world too soon after a tragedy such as this. I just found it very sad that was the way he had to go, its no way to die. 我没有哭,我只是很意外。但是,让人很惋惜的是,似乎生活压力很大甚至像MJ这样过着这么传奇的生活的人经常这样离开得很突然,让人难过又猝不及防。 I first knew of MJ as a very very young boy as he was on the radio all the time! I remember also watching the music video for "thriller" and that scaring me! 我在很小很小的时候知道的MJ,那个时候收音机里放的都是他的歌。我还记得小时候看他“thriller”的MV,吓死我了。 Yes, and he got 8 Guinness World Records in 2006 alone, including for the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time. 他2006年一年就拿了8项吉尼斯世界纪录,其中包括一项世界历史上最成功的艺术家。 And in 2000, the Guinness World Records recognized him for supporting 39 charities, more than any other entertainer. 在2000年的吉尼斯世界纪录大全里认证他资助过39个慈善机构,超过其他任何一位艺术家。 I’d have to say my favorite song is "beat it”, because not only does it sound the best but also the message it carries about being street wise and manhood is important. Plus i love its guitar solo … 我最喜欢的歌是“beat it”,因为这首歌不仅旋律好听,而且歌词表达的而且歌曲传达的积极的正能量,street wise指的是在现代化大城市的生存能力,manhood男子气概,刚毅之气,也是这首歌这么受欢迎的原因之一。而且我很喜欢这首歌里的吉他演奏。