

2017-06-30    11'07''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: Believr —— imagine dragon First things first 最初的最初 I'm a sayall the words inside my head 我想将我脑海中的想法都一一吐露 I'm fired up and tired of the way things have been, oh 我受够了过去那些一成不变反反复复 The way that things have been, oh 那些陈芝麻烂谷 fired up 激怒 tired of 疲惫于 Second thing second 然后的然后 Don't you tell me what you think that I can be 我不需要你告诉我我会成为谁 我能不能够 连读:don’t you / what you I'm the one / at the sail 我的人生由我掌舵 sail:航行 I'm the master of my sea, oh 命运之海亦将归附于我 The master of my sea, oh 我自有我的天高海阔 I was broken / from a young age 自年幼时我就丢了自我 Taking my sulking / to the masses 被教导着麻木隐忍地随波逐流 sulk [sʌlk] 不高兴 Write down my poems / for the few 我的诗篇只为那少数人歌颂 That looked at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me 他们关注着我 支持着我 与我并肩携手 感同身受 连读:looked at me 爆破:took to /shock me Singing from heartache, from the pain 自苦痛和心碎中奋起高歌 Take up my message, from the veins 自血液和心跳中认清自我 Speaking my lesson, from the brain 将脑海中的经历教训高声唱颂 Seeing the beauty through the 试着体会美好 透过那该死的 PAAAAIN! 苦痛! You made mea, you made me a believer, believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷 PAAAAIN! 苦痛! You break me down, you built me up, believer, believer 你让我万劫不复 却又甘心沦为你的信徒 Paaaain! 苦痛! I let the bullets fly, oh let them rain 就让所有厄运细化作枪林弹雨 My life, my love, my drive, it came from 对着我的命运 我的挚爱和前进的动力 让它们重生自苦痛里 PAAAAIN! 苦痛啊! You made mea, you made me a believer, believer 你让我开始相信 也开始对你执迷