

2017-07-21    10'40''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 歌词: Praying——Kesha Well, you almost had me fooled 我必须承认 你的诡计几乎让我自堕志气 Told me that I was /nothing without you 你说我若无你相助 将一无是处 连读:that I Oh, but after everything you've done 可当你耍尽一切心机手段 连读:but after I can thank you for /how strong/ I have become 我终究炼成铜筋铁骨 坚不可摧 'Cause you brought /the flames and you put me through hell 你投我入地狱 在焚身烈焰中痛不欲生 I had to/ learn how to/ fight for myself 我却誓死抗争 在山穷水尽处凤凰涅槃 弱读:an(d) you/ pu(t) me 爆破:ha(d) to And we both know all the truth I could tell 我所说的真相 你我心知肚明 I'll just /say this is / I wish you farewell 时过境迁 只余下一句愿你一路平安 I hope you're somewhere praying, praying 我期望你正在你的人生旅途上尽心祈祷 I hope your soul is changing, changing 我愿你被恶魔攫取的灵魂得以解脱 连读:soul is I hope you /find your peace 我愿你获得平静 Falling on / your knees, praying 降跽谢过 虔诚祈祷 连读:find you