face mask / facial mask 面膜
unclog pores 疏通毛孔
shrink your pores 收缩毛孔
glowing your skin 提亮肤色
reduce fine lines 减少细纹
propolis['prɒpəlɪs] mask sheet 纸质的蜂胶面膜
Face masks are one of my favorite skin care products. They’re easy to apply, fun to use and are great at delivering results.
Sure, cleansing each day helps to clean your skin by removing dirt, oil, makeup and impurities from the surface of the skin. But, only a good facial mask can help to draw out impurities that hide beneath the top layers of the epidermis.
Propolis is commonly used for its healing, antiseptic and restorative capabilities. It will assist in balancing, healing and soothing problematic skin.
Make sure to always wash your face before you use a mask, putting a mask on a dirty face can trap impurities in the skin.
Pay attention to how long you leave it on. We usually suggest 10-20 minutes.
Follow up with products that work for your skin type.
Before applying your face mask, dab a small amount of eye gel or eye cream around the eyes. This will help to protect this very delicate area from dehydration.