

2017-12-11    07'17''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 笔记: Normal 正常肌肤 Oily 油性皮肤 Combination 混合肌肤 Dry 干皮 Sensitive 敏感肌肤 -------------------------------------------------------- This facial cream provides concentrated immediate & long-term hydration for a radiantly refreshed complexion. 这种面霜提供及时和长时间的保湿,让你的肌肤散发光彩。 Wash your face with lukewarm water and a cream cleanser. 用温和的水和洗面奶来洗脸。 Take a cotton ball and dip it in toner and swipe it around your face, focusing on problem areas. 化妆棉来沾这个爽肤水,轻拍你的脸,尤其是在问题集中的区域。 You can also mix your serum in with your moisturizer, which cuts down on a step. 你可以把精华和保湿霜混合在一起涂抹,缩减成一个步骤。