

2017-12-13    13'40''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 1. Black Friday 黑色星期五(每年11月的第4个星期五) 2. be in the black 如果讲一个银行账户in the black,说明里面还有一些钱。如果一个人或企业是in the black,那么他们在银行还有存款,没有负债。 Incredibly, we're still in the black after our holiday. 难以置信,度假之后我们在银行还有存款! 3. a black day A black day is a day when something very unpleasant or sad happens. 发生了一些很不开心的或者悲伤的事情的一天。 When we heard the news that Micheal Jackson had died, we knew it was going to be a black day for all of his loyal fans. 当我们听到Micheal Jackson去世的消息,我们就明白这对于他所有忠实粉丝来说,将会是悲痛的一天。 4. as clear as black and white 表示极度明显清晰,明显界定或区别,没有任何困惑或者含糊不清的空间 Love isn't always as clear as black and white, you know. You have to accept that there are many gray areas in relationships. 爱不总是黑白分明的,你知道吗。在恋爱关系中你不得不接受里面许多的灰色地带。 5. Devil is not so black as he is painted. 魔鬼并不像人们所画的那么黑。 No one is as bad as people say he is. (which implies that people are saying too many bad things about someone.) I can't believe that actress is as mean as the gossip columns say she is. The devil is not so black as he is painted. 我不相信那个女演员真像八卦专栏上写的那么尖酸刻薄。魔鬼并不像大家所画的那么黑。 6. black out: a. (for lights) to go out 熄灭。 Suddenly the lights blacked out. 灯都熄灭了。 b. 昏倒,变得失去意识,断片儿 Every time I drink, I always black out. 每次一喝酒我就断片儿。 My problem is that whenever I go for a drink with my friends from home, we always take it too far, and before I know it, I black out! 每次我和家里的朋友们一起去喝酒,我们总是会喝太多,然后还没反应过来,我就已经断片儿了。