柔软的英文可不止一个「soft」!新的一年你的词汇量可要up up了!

柔软的英文可不止一个「soft」!新的一年你的词汇量可要up up了!

2018-01-08    08'19''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

1514 76

「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 笔记: soothe [suːð] 缓和 nourish ['nɜːrɪʃ] 滋润 supple [‘sʌpl] 柔软 emollient [i'mɑːliənt] 润肤剂 vitamins [vaɪtəmɪns] 维他命 nutrients ['njuːtrɪənts] 营养物质 --------------- Hands are the most used part of our body and also the most neglected. 手是我们身体部位最容易被忽略的地方。 Preserves skin’s natural moisture, preventing it from drying and maintaining it smooth and soft thanks to aloe, honey, natural oils and butters. 主要是有芦荟,蜂蜜,天然油脂和黄油。保持皮肤湿润光滑柔软,防止干燥。 Sensitive skin can be hard to deal with. Oftentimes it entails itchy, painful patches of skin. 敏感肌肤处理起来就有点棘手。通常就是皮肤疼痛瘙痒长斑。 One small addition to your beauty routine will bring about a radical change in the condition of your hands. 在你的日常保养中做一个小小的改变,将会对你的双手带来彻底的改变。