

2018-01-31    10'03''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 笔记: 歌名:Top of the world Such a feelin’s / comin’ over me 这样的感觉向我靠近 There is wonder in most everything I see 我身边每件事情都隐藏着奇迹 连读:such a / comin’ over 连读:there is / wonder in Not a cloud /in the sky / got the sun / in my eyes 天空万里无云,阳光照耀着眼睛 and I/ won't be surprised/ if it's a dream 如果一切是梦,我也不惊奇 连读:not a got the:第一个t吞音 连读:and I Everything /I want the world/ to be 我想要的每一件事 Is now coming true/ especially /for me 正在特意为我而实现 world:[wɜːrld] 世界 and the / reason is clear 理由很清晰 连读:reason is It's because / you are here 因为有你在这里 You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen 你是我见过的离天堂最近的事物 最高级:nearest:['nɪərɪst] 短元音 I'm on the/ top of the world lookin' / down on creation and the only explanation / I can find 我站在世界之顶俯视红尘我找到的唯一解释是 连读:am on/ top of 发音:explanation:[ˌeksplə’neɪʃn] Is the love / that I've found/ Every since you've been around 认识你以后我才找到的爱 find:[faɪnd] found: [faʊnd] 连读:been around Your love/ Put me / at the top of the world 是你的爱使我登上世界之巅