

2023-08-15    09'14''

主播: 早安英文

441 3

笔记: a match made in heaven 天作之合,天生一对 matchmaking /ˈmætʃˌmeɪkəkɪŋ/ 相亲 matchmaker /ˈmætʃˌmeɪkə/ 媒人 A match made in heaven refers to two people perfectly suited to each other. 形容两个人非常般配,就像是上天特意安排他们在一起的一样。相亲,matchmaking,the activity of arranging marriages or romantic relationships between people。促成相亲的媒人,英文就叫做matchmaker,someone who tries to find a suitable partner for someone else to marry。 Everyone thought that they were a match made in heaven. 每个人都认为他们是天作之合。 获取节目完整音频、笔记和片尾的歌曲名,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“笔记”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!