外刊精讲 | 从比尔盖茨身上能看出亿万富翁的哪些特质?

外刊精讲 | 从比尔盖茨身上能看出亿万富翁的哪些特质?

2024-09-17    25'48''

主播: 早安英文

92 1

【阅读原文】 标题:What Bill Gates reveals about other billionaires An unusual biography of the technologist-turned-philanthropist 正文:“Americans appear to be growing increasingly uneasy about billionaires,” observes Anupreeta Das, a journalist and former finance editor at the New York Times. Do they embody the American dream or endanger it? And who gets to decide what billionaires owe to society? Ms Das has chosen an original way to address these questions: by writing a biography of Bill Gates, the first superstar tech billionaire. With his long career and its many ups and downs, Mr Gates is “the perfect prism through which to refract these thorny moral questions” in pursuit of a “collective rethink” about American values. 知识点:uneasy adj. /ʌnˈiːzi/ feeling worried or unhappy about a particular situation, especially because you think that sth bad or unpleasant may happen or because you are not sure that what you are doing is right担⼼的;忧虑的;不安的 • an uneasy laugh不⾃然的⼤笑 • He was beginning to feel distinctly uneasy about their visit.他对他们的造访明显地感到不安起来。 获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。