外刊精讲 | 数字孪生:黑客帝国照进现实!以后人人都将拥有数字双胞胎

外刊精讲 | 数字孪生:黑客帝国照进现实!以后人人都将拥有数字双胞胎

2024-09-19    14'59''

主播: 早安英文

78 2

【阅读原文】 标题:Digital twins are fast becoming part of everyday life 正文:When visiting a doctor a few years from now, you can expect to be accompanied by a virtual version of yourself. This so-called digital twin will be a working model of your body that can be summoned onto a physician’s computer screen. Updated with your latest vital signs, it will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. It also opens the door for medicines and procedures designed specifically for you, greatly increasing recovery rates. 知识点:accompany v./əˈkʌmpənɪ/ If you accompany someone, you go somewhere with them. 陪伴 • Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa. 肯同意陪我去⾮洲旅⾏。 • She was accompanied by her younger brother. 她由她的弟弟陪着。 获取外刊的完整原文以及精讲笔记,请关注微信公众号「早安英文」,回复“外刊”即可。更多有意思的英语干货等着你!