

2016-07-08    23'31''

主播: kobeghy

853 21

Kobe Talk 之 Kobe English 制作 1. absolve : forgive [[əb'zɑlv] v. 赦免;宽恕 同源词: solve;resolve; resolution; solvable; unsolved 英文释义:to state formally that sb is not guilty or reponsioble for sth. 2. prevail : overcome [prɪ'veɪl] v. 战胜;占优势 adj. 普遍存在的;到处都可见的 同源词:veil 英文释义:v. to defeat an opponent especially after a long struggle. adj. to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place. 3. delude : mislead [dɪ'l(j)uːd] v. 欺瞒;迷惑;诱导 同源词: ludic; ludicurous; ridiculous 英文释义: to make sb believe sth that is not true 4. comrade : companion ['kɒmreɪd] n. 同志;战友 同源词: company; companion 英文释义:A friend or other person that you work with, especially as soldires during the war 5. fidelity : faithfulness [fɪ'delɪtɪ] n. 忠诚;保真度(声音) 词源:拉丁语 fide(s) 信仰 英文释义:The quality of being loyal to sb. / the quality of being faithful to your husband, wife or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else. 6. kindred : related ['kɪndrɪd] n. 家族;同族 adj. 同类的;血缘的 词源: cyn= 亲 next of kin 血亲 英文释义:n. Your family or relatives / adj. (formal) very similar; related 7. advocate : supporter ['ædvəkeɪt;-ət] v. 提倡; 支持 n. 支持者 同源词: ad+ voc+ate; voc 声音 vocal; vocalist; vocabulary; voice; evoke; revoke; provoke; vocation 英文释义:v. to support sth publicly. n. a person who supports or speaks in favor of sb or of a public plan or action. 8. martyr : victim ['mɑːtə] n. 烈士;殉道者 词源丢失 英文释义: a person who suffers very much or is killed because of their religious or political beliefs 9. partisan : one-sided ['pɑːtɪzæn; ,pɑːtɪ'zæn] adj. 盲目支持的; 党派的 同源词: partial; impartial; partisan media 英文释义: adj. showing too much support for one person , group or idea, especially without considering it carefully. 10. benefactor : helper ['benɪfæktə] n. 捐助者;赞助者 同源词: bene~ 好; benefit; benevolence; benevolent fact~做 ; manufacture; factory; factitious 英文释义:a person who gives money or other help to a person or an orgnization such as a school or charity.