基础英语 CB1-25 What's the meaning?

基础英语 CB1-25 What's the meaning?

2016-08-17    22'16''

主播: kobeghy

253 16

Kobe Works 可鄙作品 荔枝FM, 优酷, 沪江网校 均可搜索 kobe works Vocabulary Good [gʊd] adj. 好的; 优良的 Bad [bæd] adj. 坏的; 不好的 Hard [hɑːd] adj. 坚硬的 Soft [sɒft] adj. 软的 Heavy ['hevɪ] adj. 重的 Light [laɪt] adj. 轻的 Here [hɪə] adv. 这儿 There [ðeə] adv. 那里 High [haɪ] adj. 高的 Low [ləʊ] adj. 低的 Hot [hɒt] adj. 热的 Cold [kəʊld] adj. 冷的 Left [left] n. adj. 左边;左边的 Right[raɪt] adj. n. 右边的;右侧 Bright [braɪt] adj. 明亮的 Dark [dɑːk] adj. 黑暗的 Long [lɒŋ] adj. 长的 Short [ʃɔːt] adj. 短的 Near [nɪə] prep. 在…附近 Far [fɑː] adj. 远的 Meaning ['miːnɪŋ] n. 意思 Opposite ['ɒpəzɪt] adj. n. 反面;相反的 What’s the meaning of big? Big is the opposite of small. What’s the meaning of ______________? _________ is the opposite of ____________. Conversation A: Excuse me, Rick. I don’t know this word. What’s the meaning of it? B: Let me see…. Low! Low is the opposite of high. A: Thank you so much. B: You’re welcome. Practice good-bad hard- soft heavy-light here –there high-low hot-cold left-right bright-dark long-short near- far A: Excuse me , _________. I don’t know this word. _______________________ of this word? B: let me see…. ________. _________ is the opposite of _____________. A: Thank you so much. B: You’re welcome. What’s the meaning of ________ = What does _________ mean? What’s the meaning of dark? What does dark mean? Dark is the opposite of bright. Dark means the opposite of bright. Dark means not bright. Practice What’s the meaning of cold/ soft/ far/ light/ left/ bad… …? What does cold/ soft/ far/ light/ left/ bad… … mean? ________ means the opposite of _______________. A: How do you like iphone? B: I think iphone is expensive? A:What’s the meaning of expensive? B: Expensive is the opposite of cheap. A: Oh, I see. You mean iphone is not cheap. B: You’re so smart. A: Wow, Lamborghini is so awesome! B: What do you mean by awesome? A: Awesome has the same meaning as cool. B: Oh, I see. Lamborghini is awesome. Grammar What do you mean? What do you mean by ________? What does _______ mean? ______ means ____________. ___________ has the same meaning as __________. Practice What does large mean? Large has the same meaning as _______________. What does pretty mean? Pretty has the same meaning as _______________. What does clever mean? Clever has the same meaning as _______________. Practice 1)What's the opposite of more? few less a lot many 3)What's the opposite of alive? asleep dead death sick 5)What's the opposite of loud? soft quite quiet noisy 2)What's the opposite of happy? glad ugly difficult sad 4)What's the opposite of last? first beginning start end 6)What's the opposite of now? always never then soon 7)What's the opposite of to buy? to take to sell to bring to lend 8)What's the opposite of better? bad worse good worst 9)What's the opposite of dangerous? 10)What's the opposite of cool? Easy warm beautiful hot safe cold pleasant cooler Practice 1. What’s the meaning of __________. It’s the opposite of dirty. 2. What’s the meaning of front? It’s the opposite of ____________. 3. _______________ of blunt? It’s _______________ of sharp. 4. ______________________? It’s the opposite of thin. 5. What’s the meaning of empty? ___________________________. 6. _________________ difficult? __________________________ easy. What’s the opposite word of fast? The opposite word of fast is slow. What’s the opposite word of ______? The opposite word of _____ is cheap. What’s the _______________ of empty? The _______________ of empty is full. ________________________________? The opposite word of big is small. What’s the opposite word of dirty? ________________________________. Large- big kid-child many-much clever-smart Heavy-fat little-small lovely-cute add-plus What’s the meaning of ____________? It has the same meaning as child. What’s the meaning of lovely? It has the same meaning as _________. ___________________ of little? ________________________ as small. ______________________________? It has the same meaning as plus. What’s the meaning of many? ________________________________.