Kobe Works振振有词 初级VOL.3 dinner

Kobe Works振振有词 初级VOL.3 dinner

2016-09-01    11'15''

主播: kobeghy

163 9

关于dinner的一些基本词汇 Stir-fry [stɜː fraɪ ] v. 炒菜;翻炒 Todd stir-fried some vegetables. Meat [mit] n. 肉类 Same ate too much meat for lunch. Recipe ['rɛsəpi] n. 食谱;菜谱 I’m making this recipe for dinner. Chicken [ˈtʃɪkən]n. 鸡肉;鸡 Cook the chicken for dinner. Spicy ['spaɪsi]adj. 辣的 This food is very spicy. 近似的词 : Spice [spaɪs] n.香料 There’s a lot of spice in the soup. Spiced [spaɪst] adj. 有香料的 This spiced coffee is really good. Taste [teɪst] v. 尝起来 This fish tastes great. Stove [stəʊv] n.灶台;炉灶 She cooked dinner on the stove. Oven ['ʌv(ə)n] n. 烤箱;烤炉 I will bake something in the oven. Beef [biːf] n. 牛肉 Do you want to eat beef or chicken? Pepper ['pepə] n.辣椒;甜椒;胡椒 I like to eat peppers. Sign up [saɪn ʌp] v. 报名参加 Jim signed up for an English class. Italian [ɪˈtæljən] 意大利的 Turn out [tɝn aʊt] 呈现出; 结果是 Tough [tʌf] adj. 难以咀嚼的 片尾插曲选自 Bee Gees----------- "More than a woman"