驻下复习 Family and Friends

驻下复习 Family and Friends

2016-11-09    07'22''

主播: kobeghy

89 7

学英语到驻下 本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作 Family and friends Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below Alike grandparents alone ancient correct elder breakfast brunch catch up appreciate 1.These city walls are ______________. 2.My_________sister looks after me. 3.These two backpacks look exactly __________. 4.Let’s have __________ tomorrow at 11 a.m. 5.I eat a big ___________ every morning. 6.My mom is my______________ only child. 7.Well done! You got every answer ____________. 8.My friend is not here. I am playing alone. 9.Thank you! I ___________ your help a lot. 10.I ____________ with my parents every week. Q: How often ...... ? A: .... Every two months. How often do you go home? I go home every two months. How often does the train come? It comes twice a day. Write your own sentences: 你多久去一次健身房? _______________________________________________ 你妈妈多久去一次美容院? _______________________________________________ 你们老板多久出差一次? _______________________________________________ 我多久可以来见你一次? _______________________________________________ .... Wants to go to...... On Saturday. Daniel wants to go to the park on Saturday. They want to go Japan next Summer. Write your own sentences: 妈妈想周日跟我一起去逛街___________________________________________________ 我明年冬天想去意大利_______________________________________________________ 晚上我想待在家里___________________________________________________________ What do you want to do on Saturday? / What does he want to do next week? 拓展词汇 great-aunt n. 姨祖母;姑祖母 maternal [mə'tɜːn(ə)l] adj.母系的;母亲一方的 maternal grandmother 外婆 也可以说 grandmother on my mother’s side. paternal [pə'tɜːn(ə)l] adj.父系的;父亲一方的 paternal grandmother 爷爷 也可以说 grandfather on my father’s side. sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] n.兄弟姐妹 I don’t have siblings. I’m the only child in my family.