驻下复习 Visiting New York City (2)

驻下复习 Visiting New York City (2)

2016-11-10    07'09''

主播: kobeghy

62 6

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below. include fashion theater museum matter 1.It doesn’t ___________ where you live. 2.Those hats are a new _____________. 3.You can see old things at the _________________. 4.Please ____________ an apple in my lunch. 5.Let’s watch a show at the________________. Grammar point Those who like to read will also enjoy the New York Public Library. 定语从句 Those who like shopping will enjoy the mall. Those who have VIP tickets can come in first. .... are interested in... They are interested in comic books. __________________________________________ I am interested in history. __________________________________________________ 麦克对旅行很感兴趣_____________________________________________________ 约翰对打牌很感兴趣_____________________________________________________ 我对打电脑游戏不感兴趣_________________________________________________ Word Bank [to be] in fashion 流行 Those shorts are not in fashion. Fashionable ['fæʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l] 流行的;时髦的 Your sunglasses are fashionable. Sight seeings in New York Lincoln Center 林肯中心 Brooklyn Bridge 布鲁克林大桥 Central park 中央公园 Statue of Liberty 自由女神 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 大都会艺术博物馆 Manhattan 曼哈顿区 Carnegie Hall 卡耐基音乐厅 Queens 皇后区 Broadway 百老汇 Bronx 布朗区 Times Square 时代广场 Staten Island 史丹顿岛区 One World Trade Center 世贸中心一号楼 Wall Street 华尔街 Empire State Building 帝国大厦