驻下复习  I feel sick(1)

驻下复习 I feel sick(1)

2016-12-20    10'32''

主播: kobeghy

72 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品 制作出品 I feel sick(1) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below nose flu throat fever headache rest 1.You have ice cream on your__________. 2.My __________ is sore and painful. 3.My son is not at school. He has the_________. 4.Tom’s head hurts. He has a ___________. 5.He’s sweating a lot. He has a _________. 6. I _______ at home every evening after work. I don’t like colds. They block your nose. v. / n. 不好意思,你挡我路了 _______________________________________________ 他就住几个街区远。你可以走着过去 ___________________________________________ 道路被两辆事故车辆给堵住了 ___________________________________________ 去厨房的冰箱里帮我拿一大块冰来 ____________________________________________ So you don’t give other people your sickness. ~ness 1.幸福只能通过自己去获得________________________________________________(happy) 2.他要为他的粗心大意付出代价____________________________________________(careless) 3.健康可以有助你保持体型并享受生活_______________________________________(fit) 4.她的羞怯让她失掉了这次工作的机会_______________________________________(shy) Bonus Do you agree with Dr. Day’s advice? 1) I can't remember the last time I ___ a cold. catching caught catch 2) I feel like I am ___ down with a cold. I hope I am wrong. came coming come 3) It took me a week to ___ over that cold. getting get got 4) She's ___ medication for her ear infection. in on at to 5) Don't worry about me, I'm just feeling a little ___ the weather today. under between over 6) That seafood we had made me ___ as sick as a dog. felt feeling feel 7) Wow, you look like death ___ up! warms warming warmed 8) I was ___ death's door last week. I'm feeling much better this week. in at on