驻下复习 Ready for New Year(1)

驻下复习 Ready for New Year(1)

2016-12-23    10'48''

主播: kobeghy

58 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 Ready for new year (1) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below textbook goal plan language resolution 1.My _______ in 2017 is to make a new friend. 2.My___________ is to eat less candy. 3.I’m __________ a trip to Taipei soon. 4.English is a fun_________ to learn. 5.I need a new ________________ for class. I like reading, so maybe I can read more books next year. ....., so..... 1. 我喜欢做饭,所以今晚让我来做晚餐吧 _______________________________________________ 2. 我喜欢旅游,所以下个月我们一起去日本玩吧 ___________________________________________ 3. 我喜欢你,所以,你做我女朋友吧 ___________________________________________ 4. 我喜欢健身,所以你给我买一张健身卡吧 _______________________________________________ I make a list of goals every year. make a list of ..... 1. 把你要买的东西都列个单给我,我一会儿去超市____________________________________________ 2. 把与会人员列个名单,然后一个个通知他们来开会_________________________________________ 3. 我给你列个必读的书目清单,寒假你就读完它们___________________________________________ 4. 把要去的城市列个单,我们每年去一个___________________________________________________ Grammar My goal for 2017 is to travel twice. It is my goal for 2017 to travel twice. It is.......to do. 形式主语 1.我的梦想是成为一个像马云那样的人__________________________________________ 2.我的计划是为她计划一个秘密派对____________________________________________ 3.我的工作职责就是确保行人安全______________________________________________ 4.我的爱好就是每周都能打上几个小时的网球____________________________________ Word family Plan I don’t have any plans to travel. Planner Marica is a great party planner. Question: What does a life coach do?