驻下复习 Can we get the tickets (1)

驻下复习 Can we get the tickets (1)

2017-01-09    21'53''

主播: kobeghy

82 5

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Can we get the tickets? (1) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below concert hall fan difficult disappointed charge 1.Six hundred people are in the _____________. 2.I can’t read this. It’s too ___________. 3.What’s the __________ for parking here? 4.That sports star has many ___________. 5.Rose can’t go. She’s ____________. Many of Taylor Swift’s fans are disappointed. Of... One’s 双重所有格 1.对他礼貌一点,他是我爸爸的一个朋友_________________________________________ 2.那个艺术家的照片都是关于一些风景的_________________________________________ 3.约翰的那些老同学是都会来参加今晚的活动______________________________________ 4.周杰伦的很多歌曲在美国也是十分受欢迎的______________________________________ There is a service charge. charge n. / v. Free of charge / in charge of 1.谁是这家公司的一把手? __________________________________________________ 2.在这停车你们收多少钱?____________________________________________________ 3.别担心,我免费为你提供服务________________________________________________ 4.银行无论为你做点什么都会收取一定费用______________________________________ They’re sold out. verb: sell sold sold be sold out / sell off noun: sale for sale / on sale 1.The company is _____________ some sites and buildings in order to pay the debt. 2.Sorry, all tickets for tonight’s show are____________. 3.At Christmas, there are so many things __________. 4.This chair is not _________. It is a part of the exhibition. Word Bank hall Let’s meet in the hall. hallway He walks down the hallway. Idioms fight city hall. There’s no way to win or battle against bureaucracy. You can’t fight city wall. Pay the parking ticket and forget it. More information What is a clerk? What can a clerk do for you? Question: Do you go to concerts? Why or why not?