驻下复习  Packages and letters (1)

驻下复习 Packages and letters (1)

2017-01-12    10'10''

主播: kobeghy

480 5

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 Packages and letters (1) Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below online order convenient box arrive 1.I _________ a new book. 2.I watched the video _____________. 3.Riding the bus is very ______________. 4.The books are in the ___________. 5.Amanda’s birthday card _____________ today. He knows because he checked the tracking number. track v. / n. / on track 1.你不能再那样游手好闲了,你要把生活步入正轨___________________________________ 2.猎人们一直跟踪那受伤的狼,终于找到了它的狼窝_________________________________ 3.我们在一条崎岖的山路上徒步,又饿又累_________________________________________ 4.一辆车停在铁轨上不动了,情况十分危险_________________________________________ How are you going to celebrate? How are you going to___________? 1.你要怎样处理他留下来的烂摊子? ______________________________________________ 2.你要怎样欢度你的又一个光棍节? _____________________________________________ 3.他们要如何将那些间谍从同伴中区分开来? ________________________________________ 4.Jason将如何一个人在下雨天搬家呢?______________________________________________ And things are delivered right to my door! deliver / delivery 1.中国政府将向非洲贫困地区运送更多的食物_________________________________________ 2.今晚的毕业典礼上,校长将发表重要演讲__________________________________________ 3.我现在订货,最快你们什么时候可发货? _________________________________________ 4.我一早收到一份从乡下而来的新鲜鸡蛋____________________________________________ Do you know the difference between gift and present ? 1.The boy received a number of _________ on his birthday. 2.The orphanage accepts _________from the noble hearted.. 3.The speaker was given a ________ by the organizers. 4.They believed the unborn child was a _______ from God. Question Do you always buy things online?