驻下复习  Where is it (2)

驻下复习 Where is it (2)

2017-01-19    11'57''

主播: kobeghy

124 5

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 Where is it (2) Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below turn left select bank in front of block 1.The kitchen is on the _________. 2.Richard _________ around the corner. 3.I keep my money in the _________. 4.Your bag is _________ the bookcase. 5.He walked four _________ down the High Street. 6.He _________ the best cloth for his suit. Go down Linden Road. 你应该沿着侨光路一直走到底。____________________________________________ 继续走,我们要在天黑之前下山。 ___________________________________________ 孩子们快下楼接电话。 ___________________________________________ 人们朝街尾看去,却再也没有英雄的身影。 ___________________________________________ Q: How do I get there? A: Turn ... on.../... is on the ... 1.我怎么能到停车场? _____________________________________________ 2.在迎宾路左转,然后在九洲大道右转。_____________________________________ 3.左转的时候记得打转向灯。_____________________________________________ 4. 烈士陵园就在左边,你不会错过的。__________________________________________ Go out of the store and turn right. Walk straight for two blocks. block/community/street/area A _________ up the street I found a parking lot. The _________ is all the people who live in a particular area or place. The spokesman confirmed that the _________ was now in rebel hands. He has made friends with the kids on the _________. Question: Did you lose things ? How to lose things less often? Do you have any tips? 拓展词汇 Directions: left/ right/ forward/ backward On the map: north/ south/ east/ west In terms of spatialization: up/ down Quiz: Am I going in the right ......... for the post office? (a)  route (b)  way (c)  sign (d)  direction I'm making for the M25 motorway — is this road the most ......... route? (a)  straight (b)  clear (c)  obvious (d)  direct I'm making for the M25 motorway — is this road the most ......... route? (a)  straight (b)  clear (c)  obvious (d)  direct Could you tell me please how ......... I am from the town centre? (a)  near (b)  far (c)  close (d)  away