驻下英语Level 3/  Count down to college 2

驻下英语Level 3/ Count down to college 2

2017-02-15    21'54''

主播: kobeghy

63 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Count down to college 2 Explain the words below in English 1.Statistics show that more people die in car accidents than in airplane crashes. 2.In our panning meeting, we brainstormed new ideas for how to promote our business. 3.The detective asked the suspect many probing questions. 4.They gave away free ice cream at the mall today in order to entice more people to come and shop. Proofread again. Past tense: Proofread [red] 1.在上交论文前,我让我的私教帮我又校验了一遍______________________________ 2. 在出版前,这本书还需要多校验几遍_________________________________________ 3. 校对手稿,确保不要出现拼写错误__________________________________________ 4. 找个专业人士帮你校验一下入学申请材料______________________________________ The essay is an opportunity for students to get beyond their statistics. statistic n. 1.他在大学期间的专业是统计学,研究生改读逻辑学了__________________________________ 2.计算这么多的统计数据你最好准备个计算器以免出错__________________________________ 3.哪怕是很小的数据统计失误,也会导致不可想象的后果________________________________ 4.我们需要这个球员的数据,以评估其在过去几个赛季的表现____________________________ Draw the reader in with an enticing introduction. entice v. 1.刚烤好的饼干香味吸引我进入了这家面包店______________________________________ 2.没有女生能拒绝他迷人的微笑__________________________________________________ 3.赌场里的每个细节都是精心设计出来引诱消费者的_________________________________ 4.很多媒体应该担责,其充斥很多引诱青少年吸烟的内容______________________________ Sometimes just ask a probing question .... probe / probe for 1.这个记者问的那些刺探性问题让着歌手很生气_____________________________________ 2.三年多来,他一直都在探寻她神秘的背景__________________________________________ Extra word Don’t overuse the thesaurus. a dictionary of synonyms and antonym What’s the difference between mountain-climbing and hiking ? Question How to write a good college essay ? Do you have any tips? Practice Some ________ for writing a good essay include encouraging students to let their __________ show, getting ________ help from parents and ____________.