驻下英语Level 2/ The river is dirty (1)

驻下英语Level 2/ The river is dirty (1)

2017-02-19    11'25''

主播: kobeghy

72 6

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 The river is dirty 1 Fill the gaps with words below trash river pick up supplies nature 1.Put the _________ in this bag. 2._________ is so beautiful. 3._________ your clothes from the floor. 4.That _________ is near my home. 5.I need to buy new school _________ every year. My church is planning a trip to the river. Plan n. / v. 1.计划不如变化。________________________________ 2.北方人总是计划去南方过冬。___________________________________ 3.你应该每年为自己计划一小段时间去度假。________________________________________ 4.同学们计划凑钱去游戏厅。________________________________________________ I’m checking my supplies for this weekend. Supply n. / v. 1.这间酒店提供接机服务么?________________________________ 2.我们没有多少牛奶了。___________________________________ 3.他会满足你的所有需求。________________________________________ 4.填出所缺少的单词,你就会赢得一件T恤。________________________________________________ Linda reminds him to help the environment. 1.日历上的标记提醒我有两个预约。________________________________ 2.我提醒她周末我们有一个婚礼要参加。___________________________________ 3.父亲提醒我玩冰球时带上护膝。________________________________________ 4.门口的牌子提醒人们不要使用无人机。_______________________________________________ We pick up garbage. 1.五点来接我去看电影,不然就分手。_________________________________ 2.警察努力搜捕他,但没有成功。__________________________________ 3.我在马路边,捡到五分钱。______________________________________ 4.我们得在十分钟之内收拾好房间。_______________________________________ Different ways to call the things people waste or can’t use for any longer: garbage litter trash junk dust Questions: 1.How can you do your part to keep the environment beautiful ? 2.What are “three Rs” ?