驻下英语 level 2 / Let's go skiing (2)

驻下英语 level 2 / Let's go skiing (2)

2017-02-21    11'10''

主播: kobeghy

45 5

本栏目由驻下英语赞助 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 Let’s go skiing 2 Fill the gaps with the words below seldom marvelous invite excuse hill 1.The scenery is _____________. 2.See the view from the top pf the __________. 3.There is no __________ for being late. 4.Dan ________ makes mistakes. 5.I can _______ my friends to the party. Did you ask if he wants to go skiing again? 1.你有没有问他是否知道答案? __________________________________________ 2.你有没问问他们明天会不会去旅游? _______________________________________ 3.她有没有问你周六是否有空?_____________________________________________ 4.他有没有问你可否给他个低折扣?__________________________________________ Someday I’ll be as good as you! 1.他跟他爸爸一样高_____________________________ 2.他的手冷的像冰一样____________________________________ 3.有一天我会像肖恩一样睿智____________________________________ 4.这的景色跟九寨沟(Jiuzhai Valley)一样令人惊叹________________________________________ Susie tells him not to make excuses. tell sb not to do... 1.他老爸叫他不要随大流_______________________________ 2.老板告诉他不要再迟到_______________________________ 3.杰克叫罗斯不要从船上跳下去________________________________ 4. 她叫她老公不要在外过夜____________________________________ It was harder than he thought. 1.她姐姐比我想象中要漂亮________________________________________ 2.市场上的蔬菜比我想象中要贵____________________________________ 3.这个女孩比我想象中勇敢________________________________________ 4.王思聪比你想象中还有钱________________________________________ Extra information What’s the difference between skier and snowboarder? Question How do skiers move from the bottom to the top of the mountain?