驻下英语 Level2 / 旅游: Taking a Trip

驻下英语 Level2 / 旅游: Taking a Trip

2017-03-14    18'41''

主播: kobeghy

109 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐:James Last---Moonlight Shadow Taking a trip Fill the gaps with the words below star famous safe museum keep an eye on actor terrific farmer theater art afraid personal valuables amount 1.That man is _________. Everyone knows him. 2.The movie _____ is popular. Many people see her movies. 3.Steve can see many interesting things in that _____________. 4.Karen’s coat has red and blue ______ on it. 5.I really like this movie. The ________ are very good at it. 6.That’s a _________ idea. I really like it. 7.We can see that movie in the new ________. 8.That _______has many apple trees. 9.Look at all the beautiful _______ here. 10.I’m ________ I won’t have enough time to study. 11.This work will take me a large ________ of time. 12.Keep your ___________ in a safe place. 13.The bank keeps most of its money in a _________. 14.Monica ______________ on her children while they played in the park. 15.Don’t ask someone’s age. That’s a __________ question. Aren’t you going to Taiwan? Aren’t you going to .... ? 1.难道你不是要向她求婚? _______________________________ 2.难道他不是想跟她离婚?________________________________ Be sure to eat at The Original Farmers Market. be sure to do.... 1.请一定代我给你母亲一个大大的拥抱______________________________________ 2.一定记得回来路上带些水果啊_____________________________________________ You’ll run out of money? run out of / run out 1.We have to go shopping this afternoon. Our food ______________. 2.You’d better do it now. We are ________________ time. Should you look at a map when you’re walking around? Should you.... when.... 1.开车时你该打手机么?___________________________ 2.看电影的时候该讲话的么?____________________________ Questions : 1. What’s the difference between credit card and debit card? 2. What sights will you suggest to a traveler in L.A ? 3.What sights of Zhuhai will you recommend to your friends ? 4.How to be safe while traveling ? Review What’s the difference between garage sale and yard sale ?