驻下英语Level 2 / Visit Ireland (2)

驻下英语Level 2 / Visit Ireland (2)

2017-03-18    14'15''

主播: kobeghy

59 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐: “红猪”主题曲 On your Mark Let’s visit Ireland 2 Fill the gaps with words below honey produce female disappear poison 1.Those are _________ sheep. They could be mothers someday 2.I like eating_________ on bread. 3.They used ________ to kill the rats. 4.Many animals are _________. 5.She _________ nice paintings. They make beeswax which can be used for everything from food to hand cream. 1.从电影到旅游,他们两个无所不谈________________________________ 2.从糖果到汽车,那家店无所不卖___________________________________ 3.他天文地理无所不晓________________________________________ 4.那只球队欢迎所有年龄段的人参加________________________________________________ Without a queen, the colony will die. 5.没有足够的睡眠,我什么也做不好________________________________ 6.没有她的帮助,我们是绝对做不到的___________________________________ 7.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大_____________________________________ 8.人而无信,不知其可也___________________________________________ Nobody is sure why this is happening. 1.没人知道为什么他会生气_________________________________ 2.我们不知道为什么那些人离开了__________________________________ 3.没人知道这灾难什么时候会结束______________________________________ 4.而不知其所止_______________________________________ Idioms Poison pen: a letter or other written work, generally sent anonymously and with the aim of damaging or destroying a person's, group's, or organization's reputation or happiness. One man's meat is another man's poison: something that one person likes may be distasteful to someone else. Question: What’s the problem with bees?