驻下英语Level 2/ Ben's bike shop (1)

驻下英语Level 2/ Ben's bike shop (1)

2017-03-23    11'28''

主播: kobeghy

66 4

学英语到驻下 微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐:5'nizza-Солдат Ben’s bike shop(1) Fill the gaps with the words below bicycle(bike) flat tire lock safety helmet obey 1.Do you _______the rules at school? 2.Your __________safety is very important. 3.My car has a _____________. 4.The _________on the door is broken. 5.My bike _____________is too small. 6.James rides his _____________every day. They can buy bike things like lights and locks. like 1.他喜欢像篮球网球之类的运动_________________________ 2.她想要学习像法语西班牙语之类的新语言________________________ 3.我们到像加拿大,德国和意大利这样不同的国家去旅游__________________________ Word Family Lock v. Did you lock the front door? Locker n. Put your books in your locker. Idiom 1)I'll never forget locking lips with my wife for the very first time. 2)OK, yout wo, quit locking lips—our train is about leave. Always stop at stop signs and traffic lights. always... 1. 离开房间时一定要关灯_____________________ 1.吃东西之前一定要洗手__________________________ 2.对别人一定要友善__________________________ Can you share some important tips? Safety 1.对食品进行了安全检查_________________________ 2.人们非常担心证人的安全_______________________ 3. 速度和安全未必不相容__________________________ What’s the difference between a road bike and a mountain bike ? Question: Do you ride a bike? Why or why not? Review Do you remember the boy bullied by older kids? Where did he find his bike ?