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背景音乐:Alan Walker - Faded
Extracurricular activities
Explain the words below in English
1.Spanish was part of our curriculum.
2.You should be more active and less of a couch potato.
3.Rory failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.
4.They continued to strive toward their goals.
Key words
1. What is curriculum vitae (plural: curricula vitae)? What’s another word for it?
2. Paraphrase : (1) Max would not admit to anything.
(2) Harry admitted his error to his uncle.
3.Crochet v. In the past, most mothers could crochet sweaters for their children.
4.Idiom: I stuff my face with chips and watch TV for hours.
word structure
extra~~~ extraordinary extraction extralegal extravagant
1.His real father is actually of French ____________.
2.We look forward to the courts rejecting her _________ interpretation.
3.It was very___________ of him to buy this ring.
4.We gather some of the most beautiful and ___________ scenery of France.
Info Cloud
What does drive thru mean?
Are you involved in any extracurricular activities? Explain.
Extra information Ad- Adds Up!
Tick all the words with ad and try to figure out the meanings.
Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. The prefix ad- means “to, towards;” today we will address increasing you vocabulary knowledge by looking “towards” this highly used prefix!
When companies advertise their products, they are trying to turn your attention “towards” what they are selling. If their advertisements are effective, they are hoping that you will then adhere or stick “to” buying their products for years to come. If those commercials don’t work, they will probably adjust, or tilt “towards” a different way of telling you about their products that might be more effective. This is a way of adapting to a changing marketplace, or making things suitable “towards” the current way that people think.
Many students spend a great deal of time in their quest to be admitted to college, thereby hoping to be sent “towards” their school of choice. To succeed in this sometimes daunting endeavor, many students adopt very studious habits, making the choice “towards” being the best student they can be.
When you are on an adventure, many challenges and dangers come “towards” you. Before you set off on such a quest, you may want to ask an advisor, or someone who will look “towards” giving you helpful information. This advice will hopefully look “towards” solving any future issues you might have.
Speaking of academic perils, parts of speech can send people into fits. If you take a look at them from an etymological point of view, however, they become quite easy. For instance, an adjective is simply a descriptive word thrown “towards” a noun, whereas an adverb is simply a word that sits near or “towards” a verb in order to describe it.
I think that that’s enough examples thrown “towards” you of the prefix ad-; I wouldn’t want you to become an addict of just that prefix