驻下英语 Level 2 / fat rat (1)

驻下英语 Level 2 / fat rat (1)

2017-04-10    11'45''

主播: kobeghy

58 6

学英语 到驻下 微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐:谢春花 - 茶酒伴 The fat rat 1 Fill the gaps with the words below Giant rat mat chase kid poem 1. There are ______in every city. 2.My brother is really tall. He’s _______. 3.Please leave your shoes on the ___________. 4.The big dog __________the fat cat away. 5.Mrs. Edwins writes beautiful ________. 6.Holly’s little brother is just a ___________. A woman and a rat. 1.我真想退出这激烈的龙争虎斗,到乡下偏僻的地方买栋房子_____________________________________________ 2.我不得不淋雨回家,结果就成了落汤鸡。__________________________________________________ 3.要给我找出哪个卑鄙小人出卖我,他就活不长了。__________________________________________ 4.我过去是个典型的逛购物中心狂______________________________________________________ A fat rat chases a woman’s black cat. 1.现在让我们言归正传谈关键问题________________________________ 2.他让我们掏钱做赔本的买卖_______________________________________ Idioms roll out the welcome mat (for someone) My auntie always rolls out the welcome mat whenever we call around for a visit.  brush (something) under the mat   You need to stop brushing your problems under the mat. Nothing will get resolved like that! Extra Information Year of the Rat  Year of the Ox  Year of the Tiger Year of the Rabbit  Year of the Dragon  Year of the Snake   Year of the Horse  Year of the Goat  Year of the Monkey  Year of the Rooster Year of the Dog  Year of the Boar   Review Do you know how these animals make sounds ? Match ! chicken cat dog bee bird duck mosquito lion frog Meow bark buzz roar quack tweet cluck croak whine