驻下英语 level 2/ Fat Rat 2

驻下英语 level 2/ Fat Rat 2

2017-04-15    11'55''

主播: kobeghy

42 5

更多精彩内容 尽在 微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐:Doris Day-Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) The fat rat (2) Fill the blanks with the words below Latest piece plus chat praise 1.Would you like a ______of chocolate? 2.I’ll _____with you later. Call me! 3.Laura’s kind. _______,she’s beautiful. 4.Teachers _____ good students. 5.Jake always knows the ______fashions. Have you read Alex’s latest story? 1.--------你有没有看道恩强森最近的一部电影?________________________________ ---------你是指速度与激情吗?___________________________________ 2.我的手机是最新款____________________________ 3.我每天都会收到最新的时尚资讯____________________________ It’s a good piece of writing. Alex’s work has improved a lot. 1.天气开始好转了_____________________________ 2.按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环。____________________________ 3.形势不会因时间而有所改善。__________________________________ I’ll praise his story. 1.他们一直在倾听人们的牢骚、抱怨和表扬。___________________________ 2.所有女士都高度赞扬了工作人员和他们所提供的服务。__________________________ Idioms  Please pay this bill in ten days at the latest.  Buddy, you are a cold piece of work. Charlotte's collection of Victorian cards were a good conversation piece.  I love chatting up tourists visiting our city, it gives you such diverse and interesting perspectives! What’s the difference between improve and enhance?