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背景音乐: Jake Owen-Beachin'
Riding horses 2
Fill the gaps with the words below
Complete rather set calm skillful course stable penalty
1.Don’t get angry;stay________.
2.This is a _____meal;you can’t choose.
3.Did you ______your homework?
4.Josh is a very ______player.
5.She’d _____see a different movie.
They must finish in a set time.
Then they get a penalty point.
I’d rather go riding myself. rather...than...
Word family
Skill Jason is learning a new skill.
Skillfully Kate works skillfully.
What’s the difference between complete and finish?
Would you like to ride a horse? Why or why not?
Extra Information
1. 汗马功劳distinctions won in battle, one's contribution in work
2. 悬崖勒马pull back before it's too late
3. 一马当先be the first, take the lead
4. 单枪匹马do something single-handedly
5. 老马识途an old hand is the best guide, an old horse knows the way
6. 马到成功win instant/speedy success
7. 走马观花give a hurried and cursory glance at, cast only a passing glance at
8. 天马行空an unrestrained and vigorous style of imagination (that brims with talent)
9. 塞翁失马a blessing in disguise, a loss may turn out to be a gain
Western saddles VS. English saddles
Western saddles are big and comfortable. They have a horn at the front. You can tie a rope to the horn. Cowboys use western saddles.
English saddles are smaller.The help you turn and jump a horse.English saddles are used in horse jumping and races.