驻下英语 Level 2/ Catalogue ordering

驻下英语 Level 2/ Catalogue ordering

2017-04-24    03'23''

主播: kobeghy

75 8

学英语 到驻下 微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐:纯音乐 - 渔舟唱晚 - Catalogue Ordering Pre-listening 1.Do you like shopping? What do you like to buy? 2.What is your opinion of shopping online? 3.What kind of questions do you ask a shop assistant in a clothes shop? Think of three. 4.Write the expression we use in English for request. Comprehension: 1.Anita:Land’s End Clothing Service, this is Anita. How may I help you? Walter: Yes, hello. I’d like to order a sweater from your catalogue, please. 2. Anita: What’s your name, please?. Walter: Walter Connor. Anita:And your address,please? 3.Anita:What’s the reference number for the sweater? Walter: It’s X57246. And I’d like it in orange, please. 4.Anita: Could I have your credit card number, please? Walter: YES. It’s 3467 8923 4567. Anita:And the expiry date? Expiry n. Expire v. 1.这个胶卷已经过了有效期________________________ 2.你的驾照什么时候到期_____________________________ 3.他的任期六月底届满________________________ Reference n. Refer v. 1.把表格上的编码记下来___________________________ 2.这些参考书是我们所必需的。____________________________________ 3.公司主动给她开具介绍信____________________________________ 4.他在讲演中提到了前不久的旅行_____________________________ Catalogue 1.今天寄信索要你们的免费目录________________________ 2.目录册正在修订之中______________________ 3.一份真正好的商品目录也可以激起顾客购买的欲望__________________________ Idioms be the order of the day   For countries undergoing a recession, large cuts in public spending seem to be the order of the day. Question 1.Are you a shopaholic? 2.Ways to stop being such a sucker for a smooth sales pitch. Step 1 Don't be vulnerable Try not to shop when you're tired, sad, or rushed.Negative emotions will just make you more vulnerable to sales pressure. Step 2 Do your homework The best defense is preparation: If you're looking for something specific, shop around orsearch for it online so you'll be able to recognize a real steal. If you do your homework ahead of time, you'll also know when a"special deal" someone claims to "authorize" is actually a bargain. Step 3 Never feel obligated Never let a salesperson make you feel obligated to buy something because they've let you taste a sample or spent a lot of time waiting on you. The urge to reciprocate is such a strong human response that many sales people consciously try to exploit it. Step 4 Resist pressure Don't fall for the old "this deal is only good today" ploy. In most cases, you can get the same offer tomorrow. Step 5 Don't be fooled Don't be fooled into thinking that you will never, ever find another item like the one you are wavering on. Making an item seem scarce to increase its perceived value is another persuasion tactic that salespeople use. Step 6 Keep your head Instead of getting excited when a salesperson keeps reducing a price, ask yourself why the salesperson is so eager to get rid of the product, and why the price was so inflated in the first place.58 percent of shoppers polled say they receive enormous pressure to buy an extended warranty with home electronics or appliances.